Sunday, August 25, 2013

Other Indy Urban Gardens

Over the past couple weeks I've been trying to visit a few of the urban gardens around the near Downtown neighborhoods.  If you ask around the 'hood, you might be surprised about the resources we have nearby.  I found at least three urban gardens within a few miles of our neighborhood, all very good examples of what can happen with neighborly support and input.  I've identified them below; future posts will detail the features of the gardens to start compiling a list of ideas we can implement on Olive Street.

In our neighborhood, we have the Southeast Model Urban Garden (as reported in a previous post) across from Fountain Square Center at approximately 924 Shelby Street. This garden appears to have a good foothold in the community with sponsors for raised beds among being very visible along Shelby.

Another very impressive local garden is located in Bates Hendricks at the corner of Lincoln and Alabama. This garden appears to be connected with the James A.Garfield School #31 / Phoenix Academy. It is a very well kept garden with a lot of nice features we could certainly use to improve 1341.
On the Near East Side just north of Washington & Oxford Streets (one block east or Rural) there is a wonderful garden connected to Englewood Christain Church. The've called it both, Gardens for Growth as well as their Nature Playspace and Gardens. And it's a fantastic community garden. A lot of good ideas are going to stem from looking at this space for ideas.
Finally, a stop into the Pogue's Run Grocer preceded my trip to visit another garden located just north of 16th and Sheldon. I know very little about this garden, but judging from the look, it's a very fine example of a lot of hard work and planning. And if you haven't been to the Grocer, I highly recommend heading over for delicious deli sandwich. I can't wait to help the Pleasant Run Grocer get established in our neighborhood if it's going to be anything like this place!

I'm hopeful that with these four nearby examples we can brain storm the best and highest use of 1401 Olive Street and provide a space for play and utility which can enjoyed by residents now and long into the future.  Stay tuned for more on each of these spaces...

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